Q: How long will the Game2Give 2025 campaign run?
A: The campaign will run from January 23 – February 9, 2025. Any donations made after February 9, 2025 will not be eligible for the donation rewards.
Q: I donated for the Game2Give emblems and still haven’t received my emblem code
A: Please ensure you donated to the Game2Give 2025 Tiltify campaign website and added the emblems to your cart during your donation.
If you donated through the campaign link and added the emblems to your cart, please check your email as well as your spam/junk folder.
If you aren’t sure that you donated correctly and might have donated to the Bungie Foundation general donation page, please email charityevents@bungie.com and provide your donation receipt for us to investigate further.
Q: I donated for an emblem code that was offered through an individual’s fundraising page and still haven’t received it.
A: The emblem you donated for is from an individual's fundraising page, where they are offering the reward as a custom incentive on their page. You will need to contact the individual directly for the reward you donated for. You can navigate to their fundraising page and under the “About the campaign” section, you can click on “Contact fundraiser”.
Q: I received my emblem code. Where do I go to redeem it and/or how do I find it in-game after redeeming the emblem code?
A: Please use this link to redeem your emblem code: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/codes/redeem. After redeeming your emblem code, you can find the emblem in your Collections>Flair>General section.
If the emblem doesn't immediately appear after redeeming, you may need to restart the game and console and try logging out and logging back in.
If you are redeeming a ghost shell, ship, emote or other items in game, after redeeming your code, you will need to retrieve your items in your Special Deliveries Terminal. After retrieving it, it can be found in your Collections.
Q: I have fundraised the amount to unlock either the fundraising rewards or the lifetime fundraiser rewards. How do I claim the emblems?
- Log into your Tiltify account
- Connect your Bungie account
- Click Claim Rewards under My Account
- Claim your reward
- Once rewards are claimed, you can find it in your collections under Collections>Flair>General. If the emblem does not immediately appear, you will need to restart the game and console and try logging out and logging back in.
Q: I donated and mistyped my email address, and I am unable to receive my emblem code.
A: Please email charityevents@bungie.com and provide the mistyped email address, and we will help retrieve your emblem code.
Q: I signed up as a team fundraiser, does everyone on the team receive the fundraiser rewards?
A: No, unfortunately, the fundraiser rewards are only for individual fundraisers. If you created a teams fundraiser, the person receiving the fundraiser rewards will only be for the person who created the team's fundraiser account. In order to be eligible and receive the fundraiser rewards, please ensure you sign up to fundraise as an individual.